Mr. Sulayman JK Cham, the Director of Operations for The Institute f Islamic Economics and Finance (IIEF), authored the book “Synopsis of Al=Sukuk Markets: Applications and Differences with Conventional Bonds” published in 2020. Read the Synopsis of the Publication: BOOK – Synopsis of Al-Sukuk Markets
The Director of Operations for The Institute f Islamic Economics and Finance (IIEF), Mr. Sulayman JK Cham was a Research Assistant in the project of the International Finance Corporation (World Bank Group). The project team published the “DARP—Creating Distressed Assets Markets” in June 2019. Read the Publication: Distressed-Assets-Recovery-Program
The Director of Operations for The Institute f Islamic Economics and Finance (IIEF), Mr. Sulayman JK Cham was a Research Assistant in the project of the International Finance Corporation (World Bank Group). The project team published the “Shaping the Future of Africa; Markets and Opportunites for Private Investors” in March 2018 Read the Publication: SHAPING THE[…..]