Executive Training for BSIC Islamic Banking Window designated staff.

The Institute of Islamic Economics & Finance (IIEF) conducted a two-day training for Sahel Saharan Investment Bank (BSIC) Gambia on: Operational Aspects of Islamic Banking Window (Deposit Mobilization, Accounting Treatment, Pool Management and Profit and Loss Distribution Mechanism). Participants were also exposed to Deposit Mobilization and Islamic Investment Products by IIEF’s Erudite Shari’ah Advisor, Mufti […]

Training on Pool Management and Profit & Loss Sharing Mechanism for Islamic Microfinance with YONNA

YONNA (one of the leading Islamic Microfinance Companies in The Gambia) had their senior staff extensively trained on Pool Management and Profit & Loss Sharing Mechanism for Islamic Microfinance by the competent staff of The Institute of Islamic Economics & Finance (IIEF). The extensive one-day training was held today (26/04/23) at their headquarters in Bakoteh,[…..]

Executive Training on Sukuk Issuance for AGIB

The Institute of Islamic Economics & Finance (IIEF) conducted a two-day executive training on Sukuk Issuance, Structuring, and Management for The Gambia’s only Islamic Bank (AGIBank). The training was held at AGIB headquarters in Banjul on 11th and 12th November, 2022.

Takaful Executive trained on Shari’ah Governance Framework and Operational Aspects

The Institute of Islamic Economics & Finance (IIEF), today (September 03rd, 2022), conducted an Executive Training for the leading Insurance Company in The Gambia (TAKAFUL Gambia Limited). The theme of the Executive Training was on Shari’ah Governance Framework and Operational Aspects of Takaful for Shari’ah Advisors and Practitioners of TAKAFUL Gambia Limited. The Training was[…..]

IIEF trains ICCU Executive

The Institute of Islamic Economics & Finance (IIEF), today (August 13th, 2022), conducted an Executive Training for The Islamic Cooperative Credit Union (ICCU) Shari’ah Advisors and Staff on Shari’ah Governance Framework and Islamic Product Development. The Training was held at The Gambia Teachers’ Union Cooperative Credit Union (GTUCCU) headquarters, Kanifing, The Gambia.

IIEF and SMD Policy Management Group signs MOU

The Institute of Islamic Economics & Finance (IIEF) and SMD Policy Management Group, today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The two reputable Institutions will henceforth collaborate on areas relevant for national development.

Executive Training with AGIB Bank

The Institute of Islamic Economics and Finance has successfully concluded a two-day executive training on the operational aspects of Islamic Banking & Finance practice with The Gambia’s only Shariah-compliant Bank, Agib. The training was held on July 10th-11th 2021 at NACCUG.

YONNA Staff Capacity Building

YONNA (one of the leading Islamic Microfinance Companies in The Gambia) had their staff extensively trained on The Fundamentals of Islamic Finance (with special emphasis on Islamic Microfinance) by the competent staff of The Institute of Islamic Economics & Finance (IIEF). The extensive one-day training was held at their headquarters, Bakoteh, The Gambia.

Specialized Training on Islamic Banking & Finance

On the 15th & 16th of April, 2021, The Institute of Islamic Economics and Finance held its first capacity building specialized training on “Islamic Banking & Finance” held at NACCUG, Bakau. Among the invited guest speakers were: The Managing Director/CEO West Africa TAKAFUL, Mr. Momodou M. Joof, and The Managing Director of NACCUG, Mr. Foday[…..]